On Tues
It took almost 2-1/2 hours to get there because the folks running the charter took us past various islands, coves, and passageways to see the thousands of birds in a couple of bird rookeries and beautiful scenery along the way.
Also, when was the last time you saw two dozen sea otters floating on their backs and, seemingly, waving at us as the boat goes by? The weather was a bit rainy and overcast at times, actually kind of mystic, about 60 degrees temperature, and the sea was calm.
After arriving at the port, most people looked for a place to eat. We found a great restaurant, with a table near the window overlooking the sea port, and had a wonderful lunch, including a salmon coconut bisque soup. Then, we walked the town (down the middle of the road because there was no traffic -- in fact, they don't even have sidewalks) and, we saw the St. Nicholas R
ussian Orthodox Church (built in 1895), what's left of the old boardwalk after the 1964 earthquake, wood cravings located along the streets, picturesque old houses, and flowers.
It took only 1-1/2 hours to get back to Homer. We left Homer at 11 a.m. and returned at 5:15 p.m. It was well worth the trip. If you are planning a trip to Alaska, make this a side trip - six hours of spectacular views for $45 a person.
Still planning on staying here in Homer until Sunday. Dave and Dorothy arrived here today, Wednesday. Tomorrow, Dave and Jerry are going out halibut fishing (if the sea is calm). Dorothy and I plan to walk the little shops on the spit tomorrow.
After they arrived today, Dorothy and I decided to walk into the town that is nearly 3 miles out. We left at noon and didn't get back until after 6 p.m. Except for a 30 minute sit-down to grab a bite to eat, we walked the whole time. And, Dorothy had already walked 5 miles before we did this. Both of us are very sore and should sleep well tonight!
More to follow.